Geant4 11.1 - patch-01 Release Notes ------------------------------------ 10 February 2023 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 11.1.0: o Configuration ------------- + CMake: o Fixed configuration/use of TGS visualisation driver in geant4-config Addresses problem report #2525. o Use PROJECT_ or Geant4_ scoped _SOURCE/BINARY_DIR variables in place of CMAKE_ scope version to ease use of Geant4 as a CMake subproject. Based on GitHub PR#52 ( o Removed no longer required G4VecGeomShim module. VecGeom supports/supplies full imported targets since 1.1.18 Use of VECGEOM_LIBRARIES variable is required to allow build against CUDA-enabled VecGeom. o Geometry: -------- + magneticfield: o Reduced printout for setting any valid value for epsilon_min/_max in G4FieldManager. + management: o G4LogicalVolume: use std::shared_ptr for handling visualization attributes. Ignore calls to SetVisAttributes() from worker threads. + solids/Boolean: o Fixed hang-out in G4MultiUnion, caused by oveflow of 'size-1' when 'size' value is zero. + solids/specific: o G4QuadrangularFacet: fixed references to triangles in the warning message in the check for collinear vertices. o Global: ------ + G4DataVector: simplified and corrected inline methods implementation. + Updated date and version for 11.1.1. o Materials: --------- + G4Material: allow recursive search for based material. Addressing problem report #2520. o Particles: --------- + G4AntiNeutron: set the "PDG stable" flag to "false", as for G4Neutron. + G4(Anti)OmegacZero: updated mean life time. o Physics Lists: ------------- + builders o Updated table of processes. + constructors/decay o G4RadioactiveDecayPhysics: assigned RadioactiveDecay process to G4Triton (which is the only light ion that decays). Note: before, triton did not have beta decay, i.e. it was wrongly treated as stable even when radioactive decay physics was enabled; anti_triton did not, and still does not, have beta decay (because RadioactiveDecay, in its current implementation, does not handle any kind of anti-ions): in practice, this is an acceptable approximation because of its relatively long lifetime and the fact that annihilation and nuclear capture are more likely to happen before decay. + constructors/electromagnetic o G4GammaGeneralProcess: in all cases select the sub-process. Addressing problem report #2521. + util o G4HadProcesses: avoid double instantiation of capture cross-section. o Processes - Electromagnetic: --------------------------- + standard o G4UrbanMscModel: added flag for multiple-scattering positron correction. o Fixed compilation warning in G4GoudsmithSoundersonMscModel. + utils o G4EmParameters, G4EmParametersMessenger: added parameter, UI command and Get/Set methods for positron correction in multiple-scattering. o Processes - Hadronic: -------------------- + management o G4HadronicProcess: moved some class members to protected. + models/lend o Fixed potential uninitialised variables. + models/particle_hp o Minor cleanup in G4ParticleHPDeExGammas header for data initialisation. + models/parton_string/qgsm o Fixed potential uninitialised variables in G4QGSMSplitableHadron. + processes o G4NeutronGeneralProcess: optimized code: initialisation methods are moved to source; avoid double instantiation of capture cross-section; reduced number of calls to cross-section, added cross-section data store pointer. Added setter method for setting minimum energy limit. o G4HadronElasticProcess: removed obsolete try/catch diagnostics not applicable for hadron elastic models; added forgotten integral approach for charged particles. o Processes - Transportation: -------------------------- + Fixed inadvertent creation of G4TransportationParameters in G4Transportation constructor, determining a change of default looper parameters, responsible for observed warnings at run-time. + Fixed compilation warning about unused variable with G4VERBOSE unset. o Run: --- + G4PhysicsListHelper: added forgotten process of muon pair production by muons and added general process. Addressing problem report #2523. + Reduced printout in destruction of run-manager (master and workers), to be coherent with verbose level greater than 1. o Visualization: ------------- + modeling o Fixed transform in G4TextModel; the rotation part of the transform was being ignored. This impacted the implementation of "/vis/scene/add/localAxes". o G4AxesModel: Tidied. o Examples: -------- + extended/eventgenerator/exgps + extended/exoticphysics + extended/geometry/vecGeomNavigation o Use PROJECT_ or Geant4_ scoped _SOURCE/BINARY_DIR variables in place of CMAKE_ scope version to ease use of Geant4 as a CMake subproject. Based on GitHub PR#52 ( + extended/hadronic/Hadr10 o In DetectorMessenger, define "/mydet/update" command also for PreInit state and call "/run/initialize" after geometry update in script, to avoid run-time warning messages in output for reinitialisation of geometry. o In SteppingAction, protecting the argument of acos to be within range. + extended/medical o Use PROJECT_ or Geant4_ scoped _SOURCE/BINARY_DIR variables in place of CMAKE_ scope version to ease use of Geant4 as a CMake subproject. Based on GitHub PR#52 ( + extended/medical/dna/moleculardna o Fixed materials definition and corrected mistake in PhysicsList. o Updated imput macros. + extended/parallel/MPI o Use PROJECT_ or Geant4_ scoped _SOURCE/BINARY_DIR variables in place of CMAKE_ scope version to ease use of Geant4 as a CMake subproject. Based on GitHub PR#52 ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Notes --------------- o This patch should be applied on top of release 11.1 series. o Technical notes distributed for release 11.1 are also applicable and valid for this patch. The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 11.1.1 are available through the Geant4 "Download" Web page. Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation for further information about using Geant4.