Contacting Us

If you belong to an experiment, and your question regarding Geant4 is related to the detector simulation of your experiment, please check first with the simulation conveners of your experiment: it might be something specific to that application, rather than on Geant4, or the contacts between your experiment and the Geant4 collaboration can be already established through regular meetings and/or communication between developers and simulation experts.

If you wish to contribute to Geant4, please look first at Contributing and then continue below.

If you have a question regarding how to install or use Geant4, please proceed as follows:

  1. Check the Documentation;
  2. If you don’t find what you need, check in the Forum if a similar question has been already posed and properly answered;
  3. If you don’t find what you need, post in the Forum your question, so that developers and other users can help.

If you get a wrong, or suspicious or unexpected behaviour of Geant4, please proceed as follows:

  1. Check the Bugzilla problem tracking system if something similar has been already reported and solved;
  2. If you don’t find what you need, post in Bugzilla your problem, so that developers and other users can help. Please provide detailed information (e.g. version of Geant4, physics list, operating system and compiler, etc.) and, if possible, try to reproduce the problem using one of the examples of Geant4, so that it is easier for others to help.

If you want to know if a particular feature is already present in Geant4 or is in the plan of work, please proceed as follows:

  1. Check the Documentation;
  2. If you don’t find what you need, check the Release Notes of the recent releases;
  3. If you don’t find what you need, check the Planned Features of the year;
  4. If you don’t find what you need, check the Open Requirements that are presented regularly at the Technical Forum;
  5. If you don’t find what you need, continue below.

For other questions, comments and suggestions please contact the coordinator of the Working Group (see Working Groups for more information) which is the closest to the subject of your question/comment/suggestion, from the list below:

Working Group Categories, Sub-categories or Description Institute Coordinator
Documentation Management documents, UserDoc, examples Imperial College - Alexander Howard
Electromagnetic Physics processes/electromagnetic, processes/optical CERN - Vladimir Ivantchenko
Generic Processes and Materials materials, the following sub-categories of processes: decay, management, parameterisation IN2P3/LLR - Marc Verderi
Geometry and Transport geometry, processes/transportation, g3tog4 CERN - John Apostolakis
Hadronic Physics processes/hadronic CERN - Alberto Ribon
Low Energy Electromagnetic Physics processes/electromagnetic/lowenergy IN2P3 - Sebastien Incerti
Particles and Tracking particles, track, tracking KEK - Shogo Okada
Persistency persistency CERN - Witold Pokorski
Physics Lists and Validation Tools physics_lists FNAL - Krzysztof Genser
Run, Event and Detector Responses run, digits_hits, event, readout JLAB - Makoto Asai
Software Management data, global, config University of Warwick - Ben Morgan
Testing and Quality Assurance tests FNAL - Soon Yung Jun
User and Category Interfaces environments, intercoms, interfaces KEK - Koichi Murakami
Visualisation visualization, graphics_reps INS2I - Laurent Garnier
Novice and Extended Examples novice and extended examples IN2P3/IPN Orsay - Ivana Hrivnacova
Advanced Examples advanced examples INFN Catania - Francesco Romano